Feel Good From The Waist Down!


Just Imagine!

*Complete Bladder Control

*Full on Cliteracy

*Sex without Pain

*Pooping with Ease

Here’s what women are saying after a Vagina Dialogue …

Taylor, 19

I just thought I had a small bladder. Getting through classes was a nightmare and so embarrassing — trying to slip out TWICE during a 1-hour lecture . . . . I knew the location of every bathroom within a mile of everywhere I went. And now? I am the boss of my bladder!

Helen, 76

Ok, so I’m old. I’ve been told that I’m supposed to channel my inner toddler, that I’m young at heart, that I look amazing for my age ... blah blah blah. Fact is, I’m good with just about everything about being me EXCEPT MY BLADDER. My granddaughter told me about Kegels about 2 decades ago and I even went to one of those PTs who put wires down where wires just shouldn’t go. And though she didn’t say so exactly, I’m sure she thought I was a lost cause. And now? I am down to spending half what I used to on “Protective Undergarments” (read: DIAPERS!!!). And in another month or two? Hoping to NEVER walk down that cursed Aisle of Shame again!

Candice, 52

I was just done. Happy Below the Waist? What Waist, let alone what was happening down below it . . . Always constipated. Constantly leaking so no exercise — can you imagine me in yoga clothes with that bulky pad between my legs? And I swear my insides were falling out . . . felt so heavy down there by the end of the day and I could actually FEEL something when I wiped. Even bought one of those Squatty Potties. Nothing working . . . . And now? One simple exercise, 5 minutes twice per day and I have my vagina back — no leakage, no falling out AND back to the gym and yoga! Oh and did I mention, perfect poops too!

Layla, 37

I had decided that my vagina was permanently destroyed. I mean, 3 bowling balls passed through there! And Sex? Forget about it . . . I couldn’t feel anything. No telling what it was like for my husband (and I was so not going to ask him). Just imagine — snug little tunnel turns into the frickin’ Panama Canal. And now? Cliteracy Baby! I’m just sayin’ …


Is a Vagina Dialogue for me?



“just thought I had a small bladder” — “yoga pants with that bulky pad between my legs!?” — “nothing working” — “3 bowling balls passed through there!” — “knew the location of every bathroom” — “lost cause” — “constantly leaking; always constipated” — “my insides were falling out” — “I was just done.”

AND NOW . . .

“NEVER walking down that cursed Aisle of Shame again!” — “Clitoracy Baby!” — “I’m the boss of my bladder!” — “just one simple exercise” — “perfect poops!” — “back to the gym and yoga!” — “I have my vagina back”


Ready to Enroll?

Presentations are 1.5 - 2.5 hours for 5-10 participants to get happy below the waist!

Primarily available in the Puget Sound area.