Happiness Below the Waist
For Women of ALL Ages!


The Younger Vagina


Are you in your teens, 20’s or 30’s (with no plans for babies in the near future, and/or menopause is not yet on the horizon) and wondering why you can’t have an orgasm, why you go to the bathroom twice as often as your friends, why tampons have always been uncomfortable or even painful, or even why having a BM is such an ordeal?

There are answers for you! Come have a Vagina Dialogue with me!

The Baby Making Vagina


And now we’re going to add a baby to the mix??! Insanity! Forget about an orgasm; do you just want your boobs to yourself for even an hour or just one half-way decent night of sleep? And this Kegel business? No wonder the doctor was a MAN ... Got nothing squeezin’ down there? Thinking babies took it all with them on the way out?!

All is not lost; you can and WILL reclaim your vagina! Get a group of your mama friends together and have a Pelvic Party!

*And JUST as important? How about offering a Party for your teen-aged daughter and her friends? Can you imagine where you and our world would be now if there had been Vagina Dialogues for you and other women growing up? . . . And, speaking of which, what about a Pelvic Party for your mom?

The Menopausal Vagina


Do you just want to be done with the thing? Was sex never painful before, but now it is? Did you leak just a little with sneezing but now heaven help you during allergy season? By the end of the day — or maybe before it even gets going — does it feel like your insides are falling out? Or did all that start a decade or so ago? Are your friends spending money on expensive treatments or had failed surgeries?

No need to worry, my fellow-menopausal-vagina sister; I’ve got you!

Aaaaand … see above* for your teen-aged daughter!

The Seasoned Vagina


Are we kidding? Seasoned with what?!? Would you rather spend your money on lunch out with a friend than on a box of diapers every month, or let’s be honest, every week? Are you afraid you’ll end up in a home (other than your own) because you’re going to slip and break your hip during the 5 times you get up to go to the bathroom every night? Or, maybe you have lost sexual pleasure in your life but don’t feel comfortable asking friends, family or your doctor about how to get it back? Are you convinced there IS no way to get it back?

Well, there is my wizened friend, and I am here to show you the path. Come solo, bring a friend or host a Pelvic Party!

For Health Care Professionals


Are you an MD, ARNP, ND, PT, health club owner or other professional with a vested interest in the pelvic health of your clients? I would be thrilled to meet with you and your staff to provide education regarding pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, how to assess for symptoms in your setting, and how to modify and improve your practices to best serve the needs of your clients who most assuredly have pelvic health challenges.


Let’s talk soon!

Or should I say DIALOGUE soon!?!